Android Studio新版本gradle4.1的bug

2018/03/06 note 共 657 字,约 2 分钟

升级完Android Studio以后,默认使用classpath ''
新建Android项目后,再新建一个java library,如果java library使用了第三方jar包,运行时会报类找不到的异常。
如果把项目的gradle版本降级,换成classpath '',则没有这个问题,java项目可以正常运行。


Note: If you have issues running the main() method in Android Studio (NoClassDefFoundError, ClassNotFoundException or TemplateNotFoundException), try running the generator using the Gradle application plugin. Configure the class with your main() method in your build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'application'  
mainClassName = "com.example.YourGeneratorClass"  

Then execute the Gradle run task.



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